We enjoyed a really good time at the Outdoor Adventure Show – Toronto and after seeing a lot of friends and visiting with some great exhibitors, we decided it was time to hit the road.  One of the prime targets for this years show was with Agawa Canyon so I could treat myself to some leather.

I had already purchased one of their Boreal 21 saws and by the way, if you’re looking for something light weight, easy to assemble, and something that will absolutely chew up wood…..stop looking!  Now for a smidge of honesty, OK?  I’ll be Frank and you be Earnest!  It’s ok (lower case) to stuff your saw in between a barrel or your tent and sleeping bag but damn, it’s a mark of pride to wear your saw in a place of honour on your pack.  Plus it’s leather!  Beautiful leather, if I might add!

Many foot steps later, we are collecting ourselves and our treasures from the show and, “OUCH”, Karin suffers a twist in her shoulder and down go the bags!  Liam and I scramble to help, however, Karin in full mother/wife/woman mode, says she’s good to go and the bags all get changed up and away we go!

A gorgeous afternoon drive home and we decided it would be a dinner cooked outside so into the store parking lot we went.  Truck parked and K on her mission, Liam and I decided to peruse the spoils.  I said, “Hey Bud, can you pass me up the leather scabbard, please?”  Liams’ response was deafening, “It’s not here!”  I was out of the truck in a heart beat and bags checked, jackets moved and seats re-checked.  The search yielded nothing. I was back in the truck and checked the console, the door pockets and while I checked Karins door pocket my hand passed over her purse.  I thought to myself, “She didn’t have her purse in the show so that’s out!”  Back to the back seat for another parcel check.


Oh my goodness and may someone show forgiveness on me for what followed!  I honestly think we had the only “hot air Ram” in Barrie!  Enter Karin, stage left!  “You wouldn’t have believed the line ups!”, she said.  I countered, “You get everything you wanted, because my leather scabbard is back in Toronto at the show!”  I calmly reached for a tissue to wipe the foam from my lips!

I’m from a time when you did NOT go into a womens purse!  Your Mom’s or your wife’s, when she told you….you brought it to her and she could dig. So to hear Karins voice when she said, “No silly, it’s here in my purse!”, it had that bittersweet quality to it.  I made sure one chop was done to her liking.



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